Setup a WiFi Network with 'wifi-setup'


This guide applies to the Ocean BETA units that will ship in February 2016.

If you find a bug while using your Ocean and would like to report it, please send us an email about it!

We have provided a command line tool called wifi-setup. This tool allows you to easily add another WiFi network to your Ocean.

The wifi-setup tool follows a question-and-answer format with minimal input, but we've provided a walk-through here to explain some of the different options available while using it.


Step 1: Start wifi-setup

Run wifi-setup like this:

$ wifi-setup start

You should see the following:

$ wifi-setup start
This script will help you setup your WiFi credentials.
Would you like to setup your WiFi? [Y/n]:

Type Y to move to the next step, where available networks will automatically be scanned.

Step 2: Choose a Network

$ wifi-setup start
This script will help you setup your WiFi credentials.
Would you like to setup your WiFi? [Y/n]: Y
Scanning for networks ...
        1. Office Router
        2. Cafe Wifi
        3. Neighborhood Router
Is your WiFi network visible? [Y/n]:

Type Y if your expected network is visible, or n to rescan. If Y, you'll see the following:

Enter the number of the network you want to connect to [ENTER]: 2
Connect to "Cafe Wifi" network now? [Y/n]:

If you answer Y you'll be asked to enter your network password. If you enter n you will be taken back to the network list to choose another network to connect to.

Step 3: Enter your Network Password

You'll be asked for your password twice. When you type, your password will not be visible:

Enter your PASSWORD for the "Cafe Wifi" network [ENTER]:
Retype your PASSWORD for the "Cafe Wifi" network [ENTER]:

Step 4: Wait for the Ocean to Connect

If you entered the password correctly twice, you should see the following:

Please wait while we attempt to connect you to the network...

Once the connection has been established, you will see the following messages:

You have successfully connected to Network "Cafe Wifi".
Your device's IP is
Run 'wifi-setup start' at any time to setup another WiFi address.
Enjoy using your Ocean :)

Step 5: (Optional) Test Your Internet Connection

If your WiFi router is connected to the internet, you can ping Google to see if your Ocean can reach a Google server:

$ ping -c 4

You should see something similar to the following

$ ping -c 4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=20 1 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=23.7 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=21.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4tttl=54 time=20.8 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% pack l loss, time 3005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 20.168/21.519/23.750/1.361 ms

If you did not get a result like this, check the next guide for setting up WiFi manually with wpa_supplicant.