Connect to Your Ocean with ssh on OSX


This guide applies to the Ocean BETA units that will ship in February 2016.

If you find a bug while using your Ocean and would like to report it, please send us an email about it!

If you've setup Wifi on your Ocean, you should be able to connect to your Ocean with the ssh program. If you haven't already done so, here are the instructions for setting up WiFi on your Ocean.

In another terminal window, type the following (replace the IP address with the IP address you were given by the Ocean WiFi setup program):

# ssh root@

You will be prompted to enter your password:

root@'s password:

Type in the same password you specified in Step 5. If it you entered the password correctly, you should see the following output:

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Last login: Wed Feb  3 17:24:52 2016 from

You now have console access to your Ocean on your wireless network. Awesome!

IMPORTANT Secure Your Ocean!

Once you have successfully connected to your Ocean via ssh, please follow the instructions here for securing your Ocean.